Founder’s Day & An Amazing Fall Semester

Happy 99th Founder’s Day!

We’ve had an amazing Fall 2017 semester. We couldn’t have done it without all the amazing members, officers, and advisors. It’s the people of Alpha Gamma Pi, Austin Community College, District V, and the Texas Region who give us the opportunity to be so involved and made us the best alumni association in Phi Theta Kappa for 2017.

I challenged each of our alumni officers to host an event that they were passionate about, work with a chapter officer, and each and every one was a success. Katherine, our treasurer, hosted a month long (which stretched into months long) donation drive to bring awareness to Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Jeannie, our historian, hosted an afternoon at Angel House Soup Kitchen. Garrett, our parliamentarian, helped plan Special Olympics Bowling. Jenni, our president hosted the AIDS Walk Austin and our ongoing Blood Drive project.

We haven’t tallied everything yet, but as of 11/19/2017, here are our stats for Summer/Fall:

  • 1,943 students were reached by our Alumni Association
  • 71 alumni participated with us
  • 634 people in our community were helped
  • 4 Golden Opportunity Scholarships were given
  • On 12/3, we will give a student a 2012 Mary Kohls Scholarship to a member continuing their education at Austin Community College

Thank you!
The Alpha Gamma Pi Alumni Association