Summer Events & Planning

Welcome to Summer!

We don’t have a lot going on in the summer season. It’s time to relax and recharge before the fall semester. The alumni officers, along with some help from the chapter president, will be meeting to create a wonderful program for the chapter and alumni members. We will need your help, so keep on the look out for information on how to help us with workshops and orientation testimonials, as well as being involved in local events.

Don’t forget that Texas Honors Institute, Texas Leadership Conference, the District V Meeting, the TRAA Hallmark Workshops, Texas Regional Convention, and International Conventions are open to alumni to participate. These are great opportunities to stay up to date on the Honors Study Topic and get to know your fellow chapter and alumni members. As alumni, registration, travel, and fees for attendance are up to you. Texas Honors Institute registration and fees do include room and board.

2017 Texas Honors Insitute

The 2017 Texas Honors Institute will be held on July 2123, 2017 at Schreiner University.
Schreiner University is a private liberal arts institution located in Kerrville, Texas.