- Summary
- Amendments
- Preamble
- Article I
- Article II
- Article III
- Article IV
- Article V
- Article VI
- Article VII
- Article VIII
- Article IX
- Article X
- Article XI
- Article XII
- Article XIII
Chartered Bylaws: May 5, 2012
Amendments 1-8 Approved: April 20, 2013
Amendments 9-17 Approved: April 22, 2017
Approved Amendments to the Bylaws of the Alpha Gamma Pi Alumni Association of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society
The following amendments are presented in good faith to help further the goals and successful operation of the association
Amendment 1
Whereas it is not always possible for members to attend the annual meeting; and,
Whereas that would otherwise limit said members from being able to vote, and it is felt that this is not proper;
Therefore, it is proposed that the following clause, entitled Article V Section 5 E be added to the bylaws for the purpose of allowing members in absentia to vote for Executive Officers, and to be worded as follows:
For the purposes of allowing members who cannot attend the annual meeting to vote: An online ballot shall be created and presented to all members through email, and postings in all electronic communication sources currently utilized by the Association at the time of the creation of said ballot.
Amendment 2
Whereas it might not be possible for Executive officers to meet in person in an expedient fashion; and Whereas it is entirely possible to have situations arise that need immediate attention; and,
Whereas it is very likely that there could be Executive officers who live out of the area, making attendance of meetings difficult to impossible;
Therefore, it is proposed that Article IV, section 2 be amended to allow for “virtual meetings” to be held by the Executive Board when necessary, and to allow voting by email by Executive Board members, when virtual meetings occur.
Current wording: Article IV Section2 The Executive Board shall meet at the call of the President or Advisor, at least once per year. All meetings shall be open to any member who wishes to attend.
Proposed change: Article IV Section 2 The Executive Board shall meet at the call of the President or the Advisor, at least once per year. All meetings shall be open to any member who wishes to attend. In the event that a meeting of the Executive Board is necessary, but meeting in person is not possible or expedient, then the Executive Board shall have the ability to meet and vote virtually or by electronic mail.
Amendment 3 (series of 5 amendments): changing Vice President/ President Elect to Vice President
Whereas it is desirable to have the position of Vice-President/President elect become simply Vice-President; and,
Whereas it is desirable to have both President and Vice-President serve staggering terms of two (2) years;
Therefore, it is proposed that the bylaws of the Alpha Gamma Pi Alumni Association be amended to reflect those proposed changes by adopting the following:
Current wording: Article III The elected officers of the association shall be: President, Vice President/President-elect., Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamentarian/Chapter Liaison, and Historian. The addition of officers will be determined by the advisor.
Proposed change: Article III The elected officers of the association shall be: President, Vice President/President-elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamentarian/Chapter Liaison, and Historian. The addition of officers will be determined by the advisor.
Current wording: Article III Section 2 The duties of the Vice President/President-elect shall be to serve as the Acting President in the absence of the President; serve as a member of the Executive Committee; assist in the planning of meetings; and be an ex-officio member of all committees.
Proposed change: Article III Section 2 The duties of the Vice President/President-elect shall be to serve as the Acting President in the absence of the President; serve as a member of the Executive Committee; assist in the planning of meetings; and be an ex-officio member of all committees.
Current wording: Article V section 1 The term of officer shall be from annual meeting to the following annual meeting. Upon completion of the one-year term as Vice President/President-elect, the Vice President/President-elect shall serve a one-year term as President.
Proposed change: Article V section 1 The term of officer shall be from annual meeting to the following annual meeting. Upon completion of the one-year term as Vice President/President-elect, the Vice President/President-elect shall serve a one-year term as President.
Current wording: Article V Section 2 The term of office for Treasurer and Parliamentarian/Chapter Liaison shall be for two years. These offices shall be elected in even numbered years. The exception to this term shall be the first group of officers, which will serve a one-year term and then be eligible for re-election.
Proposed change: Article V Section 3 The term of office for Vice President, Treasurer and Parliamentarian/Chapter Liaison shall be for two years. These offices shall be elected in even numbered years. The exception to this term shall be the first group of officers, which will serve a one-year term and then be eligible for re-election.
Current wording: Article V Section 3 The term of office for Secretary, and Historian shall be for two years. These offices shall be elected in odd numbered years. The exception to this term shall be the first group of officers, which will serve a one-year term and then be eligible for re-election.
Proposed change: Article V section 2 The term of office for President, Secretary, and Historian shall be for two years. These offices shall be elected in odd numbered years. The exception to this term shall be the first group of officers, which will serve a one-year term and then be eligible for re-election.
Amendment Series 4 (3 proposed changes)
Whereas it is desirable to have an additional office, entitled Graphic designer; and,
Whereas currently this position has been created and filled by appointment,
Therefore, it is proposed that the bylaws of the Alpha Gamma Pi Alumni Association be amended to reflect this proposed change by adopting the following:
Current wording: Article V Section 3 The term of office for Secretary, and Historian shall be for two years. These offices shall be elected in odd numbered years. The exception to this term shall be the first group of officers, which will serve a one-year term and then be eligible for re-election.
Proposed change: Article V section 2 The term of office for President, Secretary, Historian, and Graphic Designer shall be for two years. These offices shall be elected in odd numbered years. The exception to this term shall be the first group of officers, which will serve a one-year term and then be eligible for re-election.
Current wording: Article III Section 7 Two Members at Large may be added by the Executive Committee and shall represent Alpha Gamma Pi Alumni Association; attend inductions, chartering, alumni activities, and other events; must reside within the region; aid the Vice President in planning events and activities that encourage unity and aid to the Association and its members.
Proposed change: Article III Section 8 Two Members at Large may be added by the Executive Committee and shall represent Alpha Gamma Pi Alumni Association; attend inductions, chartering, alumni activities, and other events; must reside within the region; aid the Vice President in planning events and activities that encourage unity and aid to the Association and its members.
In addition, Article III Section 7 will be entitled Graphic Designer and will contain the duties of the office of Graphic Designer.
Amendment 5
Whereas the current wording is misaligned as to the time of when offices take effect; and,
Whereas it is desirable to have all sections of the bylaws in agreement,
Therefore, it is proposed that Article V section 1 be changed to be in alignment with the rest of the bylaws as follows:
Current wording: Article V Section 1. The term of officer shall be from annual meeting to the following annual meeting. Upon completion of the one-year term as Vice President/President-elect, the Vice President/President-elect shall serve a one-year term as President.
Proposed change: Article V section 1 The term of office for each office shall be from spring chapter inductions to the next spring chapter inductions that corresponds with the election of each particular office on the set alternating two year time frame. Upon completion of the one-year term as Vice President/President-elect, the Vice President/President-elect shall serve a one-year term as President
Amendment 6
Whereas nominations for officers are done by mail or electronic mail; and,
Whereas this means of nominations could lead to individuals being nominated for more than one position, which could result in an individual winning more than one position; and,
Whereas this does not afford an individual the opportunity to decline an undesired nomination in an expedient way;
Therefore, it is proposed that only self-nominations will be accepted for officer positions, and that Article V section 4 be amended to reflect this proposed change as follows:
Current Wording: Section 4. Nominations shall be presented to the Executive Board two (2) weeks prior to the annual meeting to ensure all ballots are prepared correctly. They may be sent via mail or email. Nominations will not be received from the floor except for an office for which there is no nominee at the time of voting. Only that position shall be allowed nominations from the floor during the annual meeting.
Proposed change: Article V, section 4. Nominations shall be self-nominations only. Nominations shall be presented to the Executive Board two (2) weeks prior to the annual meeting to ensure all ballots are prepared correctly. They may be sent via mail or email. Nominations will not be received from the floor except for an office for which there is no nominee at the time of voting. Only that position shall be allowed nominations from the floor during the annual meeting.
Amendment 7
Whereas the Bylaws of the Association can only be amended at the Annual meeting; and,
Whereas there are times when an action needed at the annual meeting might by pursuant to acceptance of a proposed Amendment; and,
Whereas there is historical precedent for only allowing members in attendance of the annual meeting (as set forth by the regional alumni chapter) to vote on amendments;
Therefore, it is proposed that all voting on amendments to the bylaws be restricted to all active members in attendance of the annual meeting; and,
Furthermore, that Article XI sections 2 and 3 be amended to show this proposed change as follows:
Current wording: Article XI Section 2. Notice shall be given to all active members prior to any vote to amend these By-Laws.
Current wording: Article XI Section 3. These By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the active membership.
Proposed change: Article XI Section 2. Notice shall be given to all active members in attendance of the annual meeting prior to any vote to amend these By-Laws.
Proposed change: Article XI Section 3. These By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of all active members in attendance of the annual meeting.
Amendment 8
Whereas it is very likely that the association will gain members that live or move outside of the Texas region; and,
Whereas it is still possible for those individuals that do so to serve in the capacity of officers within the association; and,
Whereas currently Article III Section 7 states that at large officer position must reside within the region it is hereby proposed that Article III section 7 be amended, as follows:
Current wording: Article III section 7 Two Members at Large may be added by the Executive Committee and shall represent Alpha Gamma Pi Alumni Association; attend inductions, chartering, alumni activities, and other events; must reside within the region; aid the Vice President in planning events and activities that encourage unity and aid to the Association and its members.
Proposed change: Article III Section 8 Two Members at Large may be added by the Executive Committee and shall represent Alpha Gamma Pi Alumni Association; attend inductions, chartering, alumni activities, and other events; must reside within the region; aid the Vice President in planning events and activities that encourage unity and aid to the Association and its members.
Proposed Amendments to the Bylaws of the Alpha Gamma Pi Alumni Association of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society
Spring 2017
The following amendments are presented in good faith to help further the goals and successful operation of the association.
Amendment 9
Whereas the usage of “by law”, “by-law”, “ByLaw”, “two year”, and “Vice-President” are inconsistent with spelling.
Whereas there is inconsistent grammar.
Whereas there is inconsistent usage of the Oxford comma and semicolons.
Whereas there are missing periods at the end of sentences.
Therefore, it is proposed that “bylaw”, “two-year”, and “Vice President” will be used to reflect dictionary definitions; Oxford comma will be applied in appropriate situations; and periods will be added to those sentences where there are none.
Amendment 10
Whereas the usage of “President-Elect” was supposed to be stricken from use during the approved 4/20/2014.
Therefore, it is proposed that the remaining “President-Elect” language will be stricken.
Amendment 11
Whereas the Parliamentarian/Chapter Liaison duties should be expanded to include bylaw stewardship, including maintenance, yearly review, putting to membership vote, and submission to International Headquarters for approval.
Therefore, it is proposed that Article III Section 5 be amended to:
The duties of the Parliamentarian/Chapter Liaison shall be to aid the President in ensuring that proper procedures are followed with regard to Phi Theta Kappa policy; to act as spokesperson for the alumni association to Alpha Gamma Pi Chapter in coordinating all projects; to ensure that order is established and maintained at all meetings; and serve as a member of the Executive Committee. The Parliamentarian/Chapter Liaison will be responsible for the maintenance of the association bylaws, including yearly review, putting to membership vote, and submission to International Headquarters for approval.
Amendment 12
Whereas the language regarding voting does not fully explain appointments of officers when a position goes unfilled during the annual meeting.
Therefore, it is proposed that Article V Section 5 C be amended to:
If an office remains unfilled, the Executive Committee may appoint an individual to that position if the individual meets the requirements of membership in Article II Section 1, can meet the requirements of Article III, and meets the requirements of Article VI.
Amendment 13
Whereas Article IV Section 4 requires four (4) members of the Executive Committee to constitute an Executive quorum and the minimum amount of members of the Executive Committee are four (4).
Therefore, it is proposed that language be amended to:
A majority of members of the Executive Committee shall constitute an Executive quorum. In cases of evenly divided votes, the Advisor will serve as the deciding vote. The Advisor will otherwise serve as a non-voting member on the Executive Committee.
Amendment 14
Whereas Amendment 8 removed language from the original bylaws that required the Executive Committee to reside in the Texas Region.
Whereas since the founding of the Alumni Association the Executive Committee has found that those officers who reside within District V of the Texas Region are more likely to have an air of comradery and meet all the requirements of their officer duties.
Therefore, it is proposed that the following language be added to each officer description in Article III Sections 1 through 8:
“must reside within District V of the Texas Region;”
Amendment 15
Whereas if the president remains the president due to short to long term injury or illness and
Whereas the president cannot fulfill all of her or his duties during this time
Therefore, it is proposed to add Article III Section 1 A to include the following language:
“A. If the president is unable to fulfill her or his duties because of short to long term injury or illness, then the Executive Committee votes to appoint an acting president.”
Amendment 16
Whereas the Executive Committee feels that turnover in committee members is due to misconceptions of the purpose of the alumni association
Whereas the Executive Committee would like to encourage potential association officers to shadow current officers and take part in the committee
Whereas these potential association officers would be called Provisional Officers, with no limit to the number of participants, without Executive Committee voting rights
Whereas Provisional Officers would have the duties to attend all Executive Committee meetings; participate as a proctor in at least 1 workshop in the chapter, district, or region; and participate with the alumni in at least 1 orientation or induction ceremony.
Therefore, it is proposed to add Article III Section 9, which will include the following language:
“Section 9 Provisional Officers are potential officers that must be added by the Executive Committee for at least one (1) semester prior to elections and shall represent the Alpha Gamma Pi Alumni Association; must reside within District V of the Texas Region; attends all Executive Committee meetings; will have the ability to participate in the decision making process, but will not have voting rights within the committee; must participate in proctoring at least one (1) workshop in the chapter, district, or region; and participate with the alumni in at least one (1) orientation or induction ceremony; which qualifies the provisional officer to run for election.”
Amendment 17
Whereas the Executive Committee feels that Article VII needs to include a clause for a code of conduct to be signed at the time of officer membership
Whereas the Executive Committee feels that the same article should include a clause which details the steps to remove an officer due lack of meeting the duties listed in Article III for each officer or to violation of the code of conduct.
Therefore, it is proposed to add Article VII Sections 3 through 4, which will include the following language:
“Section 3 Each officer is required to meet a code of conduct and professionalism in the officer paperwork at the beginning of their term.
Section 4 If an elected or appointed officer fails to fulfill any of their duties, fees, or breaks the code of conduct in Articles III and VII, the Executive Committee or Advisor can take the following steps to remove said officer from the Executive Committee:
A. An Executive Committee member shall discuss violations of the code of conduct and duties with the Advisor.
B. An Executive Committee member or Advisor shall discuss violations of the code of conduct and duties with the Executive Committee.
C. The Executive Committee must conduct a majority vote to remove a member from the Executive Committee.
D. The Executive Committee must conduct a majority vote to remove a member from the Executive Committee.
E. The removal of an Executive Committee member will be concluded in writing by electronic and postal mail using the addresses on file with the president and secretary.”
Original May 2012 Bylaws
Amendments 1–8 Approved 4/20/2013
Amendments 9–17 Approved 4/22/2017
(Amd. 9) BYLAWS By-Laws
We, the members of the Alpha Gamma Pi Alumni Association of the Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society of the Two-Year College, do hereby associate ourselves to continue to uphold the purpose of Phi Theta Kappa; provide a continuing fellowship of Phi Theta Kappa members; and support the people, programs, and priorities of Phi Theta Kappa.
Article I
The name of the organization shall be: Alpha Gamma Pi Alumni Association of the Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society of the Two-Year College.
Article II
Section 1 Membership
An alumni member shall be a former member of the Society who terminated active membership in good standing and who was enrolled for at least one year in a two-year college. The Alpha Gamma Pi Alumni Association membership shall consist of all who meet obligations set forth by the alumni association.
A. An active member of the Alpha Gamma Alumni Association shall be any alumni member who maintains a current fee status to the alumni association.
B. Membership is open to all qualified persons without regard to race, creed, religion, sex, sexual orientation (Amd. 9), or natural origin.
C. Membership in the Alpha Gamma Pi Alumni Association is not exclusive. A member may also be a member of another Phi Theta Kappa alumni association.
Section 2 Honorary Alumni Members
A. An honorary member shall be a person who has rendered distinguished service to the alumni association and was previously inducted as an honorary member into a Phi Theta Kappa chapter.
B. Honorary members shall not have the right to vote, hold office or officially represent the Society. Nor shall honorary members be asked to pay membership fees to the alumni association.
C. Honorary alumni membership shall be placed in nomination to the general membership of the alumni association. A two-thirds (2/3) vote of members attending a general meeting may elect an honorary member.
Article III
Officers and Duties
The elected officers of the association shall be: President, Vice President (Amd. 3) /President-elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamentarian/Chapter Liaison, and Historian. The addition of officers will be determined by the advisor.
Section 1 The duties of the President shall be to preside over all alumni association meetings; to serve as chairman of the Executive Board; to enforce the (Amd. 9) bylaws By-Laws; to call special meetings; to act as spokesperson for the alumni association; (Amd. 14) must reside within District V of the Texas Region; and to ensure that proper procedures are followed with regard to Phi Theta Kappa policy (Amd. 9).
(Amd. 15) A. If the president is unable to fulfill her or his duties because of short to long term injury or illness, then the Executive Committee votes to appoint an acting president.
Section 2 The duties of the Vice President (Amd. 3) /President-elect shall be to serve as the Acting President in the absence of the President; serve as a member of the Executive Committee; assist in the planning of meetings; (Amd. 14) must reside within District V of the Texas Region; and be an ex-officio member of all committees.
Section 3 The duties of the Secretary shall be to keep the records of all meetings; maintain a roster of members; handle all appropriate correspondence; to provide members notification of all meetings; to report alumni association activities to Phi Theta Kappa; (Amd. 14) must reside within District V of the Texas Region; and serve as a member of the Executive Committee.
Section 4 The duties of the Treasurer shall be to collect fees; to maintain accurate accounting records; make association expenditures; render regular reports to the membership as requested; (Amd. 14) must reside within District V of the Texas Region; and serve as a member of the Executive Committee. The treasurer is responsible for notifying the Secretary and the members of the current dues.
Section 5 The duties of the Parliamentarian/Chapter Liaison shall be to aid the President in ensuring that proper procedures are followed with regard to Phi Theta Kappa policy; to act as spokesperson for the alumni association to Alpha Gamma Pi Chapter in coordinating all projects; (Amd. 14) must reside within District V of the Texas Region; and to ensure that order is established and maintained at all meetings (Amd. 11); and serve as a member of the Executive Committee. The Parliamentarian/Chapter Liaison will be responsible for the maintenance of the association bylaws, including yearly review, putting to membership vote, and submission to International Headquarters for approval.
Section 6 The duties of the Historian shall be to keep a chronological list of all activities that the Alpha Gamma Pi Alumni Associations holds and participates; take pictures at all activities; to promote publicity for the alumni association; (Amd. 14) must reside within District V of the Texas Region; and serve as a member of the Executive Committee.
(Amd. 4) Section 7 One Graphic Designer may be added by the Executive Committee and shall represent Alpha Gamma Pi Alumni Association; attend inductions, chartering, alumni activities, and other events; (Amd. 14) must reside within District V of the Texas Region; must reside within the region; aid Vice President in planning events and activities that encourage unity and aid to the Association and its members by creating branded imagery for the alumni association, to keep a unified look, and serve as a member of the Executive Committee.
(Amd. 4) Section 7 Section 8 Two Members at Large may be added by the Executive Committee and shall represent Alpha Gamma Pi Alumni Association; attend inductions, chartering, alumni activities, and other events; (Amd. 8) must reside within the region; (Amd. 14) must reside within District V of the Texas Region; aid the Vice President in planning events and activities that encourage unity and aid to the Association and its members.
(Amd. 16) Section 9 Provisional Officers are potential officers that must be added by the Executive Committee for at least one (1) semester prior to elections and shall represent the Alpha Gamma Pi Alumni Association; must reside within District V of the Texas Region; attends all Executive Committee meetings; will have the ability to participate in the decision making process, but will not have voting rights within the committee; must participate in proctoring at least one (1) workshop in the chapter, district, or region; and participate with the alumni in at least one (1) orientation or induction ceremony; which qualifies the Provisional Officer to run for election.
Article IV
Executive Committee
The Executive Board shall consist of all elected officers and may have two members elected at-large. The advisor shall serve as (Amd. 9) an ex-officio, non-voting member.
Section 1 The duties of the Executive Board shall be to handle all questions not specifically dealt with in this document; to make recommendations to the membership; to appoint all committees; and to submit an Alumni Annual Report to Phi Theta Kappa Headquarters by the stated deadline.
Section 2 The Executive Board shall meet at the call of the President or Advisor, at least once per year. All meetings shall be open to any member who wishes to attend. (Amd. 2) In the event that a meeting of the Executive Board is necessary, but meeting in person is not possible or expedient, then the Executive Board shall have the ability to meet and vote virtually or by electronic mail.
Section 3 All decisions concerning finances and (Amd. 9) bylaws by-laws shall be advisory. Any vote on recommendations, which to go into effect, must be approved by a simple majority of those present (Amd. 9), and voting during any official meeting of the association.
Section 4 (Amd. 13) A majority of members of the Executive Committee shall constitute an Executive quorum. In cases of evenly divided votes, the Advisor will serve as the deciding vote. The Advisor will otherwise serve as a non-voting member on the Executive Committee. Four (4) members of the Executive Board shall constitute an Executive quorum. Committee chairs and Advisor will serve as non-voting members on the Executive Board.
Article V
Election of Officers
Elections shall be held at the regularly schedule annual meeting of the association. Voting shall be by secret ballot. A simple majority of those voting shall constitute the choices. All officers are elected at-large.
Section 1 The term of officer shall be from (Amd. 5) spring chapter inductions annual meeting to the (Amd. 5) next spring chapter inductions following annual meeting that corresponds with the election of each particular office on the set alternating (Amd. 9) two-year two year time frame. (Amd. 3) Upon completion of the one-year term as Vice President/President-elect, the Vice President/President-elect shall serve a one-year term as President.
(Amd. 3) Section 3 Section 2 The term of office for (Amd. 4) President, Secretary, Historian, and (Amd. 4) Graphic Designer shall be for (Amd. 9) two-years two years. These offices shall be elected in odd numbered years. (Amd. 3) The exception to this term shall be the first group of officers, which will serve a one-year term and then be eligible for re-election.
(Amd. 3) Section 2 Section 3 The term of office for (Amd. 3) Vice President, Treasurer and Parliamentarian/Chapter Liaison shall be for (Amd. 9) two-years two years. These offices shall be elected in even numbered years. (Amd. 3) The exception to this term shall be the first group of officers, which will serve a one-year term and then be eligible for re-election.
Section 4 (Amd. 6) Nominations shall be self-nominations only. Nominations shall be presented to the Executive Board two (2) weeks prior to the annual meeting to ensure all ballots are prepared correctly. They may be sent via mail or email. Nominations will not be received from the floor except for an office for which there is no nominee at the time of voting. Only that position shall be allowed nominations from the floor during the annual meeting.
Section 5 Voting. Any active member in good standing may vote and be a nominee for office.
A. Honorary members may not vote.
B. A simple majority of all members voting shall determine electee.
C. If an office (Amd. 12) other than President-elect remains unfilled (Amd. 9);, the Executive Committee may appoint an individual to that position (Amd. 12) if the individual meets the requirements of membership in Article II Section 1, can meet the requirements of Article III, and meets the requirements of Article VI.
D. Votes shall be counted by the association advisor/facilitator(s) or someone designated by the advisor/facilitator(s).
E. (Amd. 1) For the purposes of allowing members who cannot attend the annual meeting to vote: An online ballot shall be created and presented to all members through email, and postings in all electronic communication sources currently utilized by the Association at the time of the creation of said ballot.
Section 6 Installation of new officers shall occur during chapter inductions each Spring semester.
Section 7 The term of office shall be for a period beginning with the installation in Spring and continuing until the installation of officers the following Spring.
Article VI
Qualifications for Officers
Section 1 All current members are eligible to become officers.
Section 2 Officers must be members in good standing and meet all qualifications for active membership.
Section 3 The President shall not be eligible for the office of President (Amd. 10) or President-elect for four (4) years after serving of the office of President.
Article VII
Removal from Office
Section 1 Any elected officer who fails to maintain active membership, who fails to perform his or her duties, or who fails to uphold the purpose of the Society and his or her office is subject to removal.
Section 2 An officer failing to maintain current fees-paying status within the association shall automatically forfeit officer 30 days after notification is mailed and/or emailed to last known address.
(Amd. 17) Section 3 Each officer is required to meet a code of conduct and professionalism in the officer paperwork at the beginning of their term.
Section 4 If an elected or appointed officer fails to fulfill any of their duties, fees, or breaks the code of conduct, the Executive Committee or Advisor can take the following steps to remove said officer from the Executive Committee:
A. An Executive Committee member shall discuss violations of the code of conduct and duties with the Advisor.
B. An Executive Committee member or Advisor shall discuss violations of the code of conduct and duties with the Executive Committee.
C. The said officer will have an opportunity to respond to any allegations brought forth, but is not required to respond.
D. The Executive Committee must conduct a majority vote to remove a member from the Executive Committee.
E. The removal of an Executive Committee member will be concluded in writing by electronic and postal mail using the addresses on file with the president and secretary.
Article VIII
Section 1 The advisor shall be a member of the faculty or staff of Austin Community College, former advisor (Amd. 9), or alumnus approved by the Regional Coordinator and International Headquarters (Amd. 9).
Section 2 The advisor/facilitator shall perform all duties and responsibilities as defined by the Phi Theta Kappa Headquarters.
Article IX
Meetings and Fees
Section 1 Meeting shall be set at the discretion of the Executive Committee. An annual meeting is mandatory for the purposes of election of officers and the conducting of business held during the Spring semester.
Section 2 Alumni association fees shall be set by the Executive Committee with Advisor, annually. All active members must pay fees to be on the alumni association roster. Honorary members shall not pay fees.
Section 3 One-time fee will be paid to join the alumni association. Annual dues will be paid to maintain active membership.
Section 4 The Treasurer shall collect all alumni association fees and dues. If upon receipt of notice from the Treasurer that fees are due, a member fails to pay within 45 calendar days from the invoice date, the Secretary shall drop that name from the active roster after notification. Alumni failing to maintain current fees-paying status shall forfeit the right to vote and hold office.
Section 5 All accounts held in the name of the alumni association shall be audited annually and an audit report presented to the General Assembly.
Section 6 Robert’s Rules of Order All meetings shall be conducted using Robert’s Rules of Order as a guide publication. Any situation not covered in this document, or under consideration by the Executive Committee shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order.
A quorum shall consist of those members present at any announced meeting.
Section 1 Amendments of the (Amd. 9) bylaws By-Laws shall be submitted to any officer or advisor in writing for submission to the members for a vote at the next General Assembly meeting.
Section 2 Notice shall be given to all active members (Amd. 7) in attendance of the annual meeting prior to any vote to amend these (Amd. 9) bylaws By-Laws.
Section 3 These (Amd. 9) bylaws By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the active (Amd. 7) members in attendance of the annual meetingmembership.
Section 4 Amendments shall become effective upon ratification by the membership and the approval by Phi Theta Kappa Headquarters.
Section 1 These (Amd. 9) bylaws By-Laws shall become effective upon:
A. Approval by Phi Theta Kappa Headquarters.
B. Affirmative vote by a majority of the General Assembly of the Alumni Association.
Section 2 Upon ratification, these (Amd. 9) bylaws By-Laws shall become the governing document of Alpha Gamma Pi Alumni Association, superseded only by the Phi Theta Kappa International Constitution and the policies and procedures of the university.
Section 1 The association may be dissolved one (1) year after a vote of the general membership to dissolve the association. However, any ten (10) persons eligible for membership under these (Amd. 9) bylaws By-Laws may, by unanimous vote, rescind any action to dissolve the association within one (1) year of such action and call for a reorganization meeting.
Section 2 Upon a successful vote to dissolve the association, all funds held in its treasury and in all its accounts shall be frozen except for payment to creditors as of that date, and shall be turned over in-full to the Phi Theta Kappa Headquarters within thirty (30) days of the final dissolution of the association.